Submit a Webinar Topic

CWP-KT is always looking for knowledgeable and experienced presenters to speak on industry-related topics.

Would you be interested in presenting a webinar that addresses: 

  • Top challenges in the water sector
  • Current trends in the industry, including clean water technology
  • Bright ideas and best practices
  • Shared learnings that are actionable 
  • Focused on advancing clean water


  • Engage with clean water professionals in Kentucky & Tennessee
  • Transfer knowledge and skills to those in the water sector
  • Learn industry trends and keep up with the latest in technology


    • Choose your day: Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday
    • Time: typically scheduled at the lunch hour: 11:30-12:30 CDT/12:30-1:30 EDT
    • Length of Presentation: 40-45 minutes
    • CWP-KT fills the remaining portion of the hour with CWP-KT updates (beginning) and Q&A at the end

    Download Planning Guide

    You can review past webinar offerings and topics here

    If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Valerie Lucas, Executive Director at

    Ready to Submit Your Webinar Proposal?

    Fill out our webinar set up form so that all information is transmitted accurately. 

    To complete the form, please prepare to answer the following:

    • Preferred dates
    • A brief bio, headshot of the presenter(s) AND a 3-4 sentence description of presentation
    • CEU information
    • Provide 2 or 3 learning objectives for your webinar presentation

    Go To Webinar Interest Form