Pretreatment Certification Program

The purpose of the Pretreatment Certification Program is to provide training and voluntary certification for individuals who work in the pretreatment field, providing an opportunity for professional growth where none previously existed. This program includes technical training classes, training manuals, certification exams, and dissemination of other pretreatment information. The purpose of the training is to instruct pretreatment personnel on how to perform pretreatment activities in a manner that is consistent with federal and state pretreatment requirements.

The program is run by the CWP-KT Pretreatment Committee, chaired by Chuck Durham.  Instructors include state pretreatment staff, consultants, college professors, municipal pretreatment coordinators, and industrial environment health and safety coordinators from both Kentucky and Tennessee.

Check the Event Calendar to Register for Upcoming Classes

Pretreatment Certification Course - Level 1
The Level 1 Course is a 4-day program that consists of 3 days of lectures (approximately 8:00 am to 4:30 pm each day) and testing on the 4th day (approximately 8:00 am to noon).  In order to participate in the Level 1 course and sit for the Level 1 exam, you must have 1 year of experience.
The course covers topics such as: 

  • History and Introduction to Pretreatment
  • Basic Overview of the Pretreatment Program and applicable regulations
  • Safety
  • Reporting
  • Inspections
  • Collections Systems
  • Wastewater Treatment (general)
  • Sampling (including hands-on exercises on set-up and sample collection)
  • Flow Measurement
  • Industrial Waste Surveys
Cost - Level 1: 
  • $265 - Member
  • $340 - Non-Member

Pretreatment Certification Course - Level 2
The Level 2 Course is a 5-day program that consists of 4 days of lectures (approximately 8:00 am to 4:30 pm each day) and testing on the 5th day (approximately 8:00 am to noon).  In order to participate in the Level 2 course and sit for the Level 2 exam, you must have 3 years of experience and have previously obtained the Level 1 certification.  
The course covers topics such as:

  • Industrial Waste Treatment
  • Municipal Waste Treatment
  • Enforcement
  • Emergency Response
  • Local Limits Development
  • Permitting
  • Oil & Grease
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Laboratory Issues
Cost - Level 2: 
  • $295 - Member
  • $370 - Non-Member

Certification and Continuing Education - How to Keep Your Certification Active

CWP-KT has revamped the way we track and store continuing education credits for Voluntary Pretreatment Certificate Holders.  All certificates issued prior to August 1, 2018 have been reissued with a certification date of January 29, 2019, and the certification will expire on January 29, 2024.  If you did not receive your reissued certificate by email, contact

From now on, please submit evidence of your pretreatment certification classroom hours of training HERE.  Submit the form once for each course attended.
Total Classroom Hours of Training (CHT) required during the 5-year period following certification:
Level 1 Certifications - 18 CHT
Level 2 Certifications - 21 CHT

One CHT will consist of an hour of training (class, conference presentation, seminar, etc.) in any of the following subjects: pretreatment, safety issues, wastewater treatment technology (industrial or municipal), collection systems, industrial pollution prevention, sampling, and/or flow measurement. Please note: Safety courses count for 5.0 hours maximum for the 5 year period, safety courses must be related to Pretreatment. Evidence of the CHTs acquired must be submitted to the CWP-KT Voluntary Pretreatment Certification Board no later than two-months prior to the expiration date indicated on your certificate. The summary of the CHTs must include the date and location of the training, the instructors, the subject(s) covered, and how many hours per subject if multiple subjects were covered. Please attach a copy of a certificate or proof of attendance from the training provider. You may additionally add agenda or calendar. If you have questions as to whether a particular class or presentation will count towards your required CHTs, contact a member of the KY-TN Voluntary Pretreatment Certification program prior to taking the class. Please submit CHT information using the form below.


Still Have Questions About the Program?
Contact Chuck Durham at

Looking for your Certificate?

If you are an active member of CWP-KT, you can access your certificate by logging into the member portal.

  • Use the Member Login button at the top of the page to log in to the member portal
  • Click the Resources icon, then Online Learning
  • Under My Certificates, select Click here to begin
  • Your Certificate should be listed here
  • Under Actions, click the red and white PDF icon
  • Once the certificate appears, you can print or download

If you not a member or have trouble accessing your certificate, email