April 14, 2020

Part 2: Imposition of NPDES Permit Effluent Limitations

Do you know your rights as a permittee and how the conditions in your NPDES permit were developed?  Potentially, you can comply with the underlying statutory/regulatory standard and be subject to less stringent/costly requirements.  Correcting the permit in the future may not be an option.  Furthermore, a permittee generally cannot first raise concerns about the appropriateness of the permit in enforcement actions.

Part 2: Imposition of NPDES Permit Effluent Limitations. Includes: Technology vs. Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits, Anti-degradation Performance-Based Limits and Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits

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Gary B. Cohen, Hall & Associates
Bill Hall, Hall & Associates

1.0 PDH offered for LIVE viewing. (12:30 ET on April 14, 2020)
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